About My Candidacy

"If you can't trust me, you can't trust anyone."
I promise not to lie to you. I promise to make this country a better place to live. I promise to make this country a better place to die. Together we can do great things together - join us and be Free!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Campaign Trail

Wow! What a couple of weeks it's been! I've been busy stumping and pumping peoples hands to try and get them to vote for me, but my campaign has had some trouble gaining traction. I appeal mostly to cynical, smart-ass teens and disaffected democratic truckers.

Problem is, my name isn't on a ballot. The teens are too young to vote, and the truckers can't figure out how to write my name in. So at this point, I am seriously behind my main competitor, Ron Paul. Curse him!

Anyway, I will be looking for new innovative ways to spread my message. More as I figure out just what ways besides viral youtube ads and payola work.

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