About My Candidacy

"If you can't trust me, you can't trust anyone."
I promise not to lie to you. I promise to make this country a better place to live. I promise to make this country a better place to die. Together we can do great things together - join us and be Free!

Monday, November 10, 2008

One World Sovereignty

In response to someone in a forum, saying they were shedding tears for our soon to be lost sovereignty. My reply:

It is a very exciting time. Shed tears of joy, for soon the USA will begin actual integration with the world at large - bringing our outdated models into alignment with more progressive ideas! First, recognition that we can't go around bullying our global neighbors just because they might someday do some bad things with the weapons we provided for them in the first place, oops they don't have those anymore, let's just spread our democracy instead, oops that isn't working, let's just wait til they are stabilized and can run their country themselves, oops they can't do that, let's send in the megacorps to rework their country in our image.


How about global standards for information technology? Trade rules? Monetary policy? Coordinated development? Space exploration? Distribution?

OH the horrors of actually participating in a greater ideal and effort than just our patch of dirt! Sovereignty? Hah! I laugh at your notion. We are beholden to the world. Always have been. We are part of a neighborhood, and as part of a neighborhood we have responsibilities to our neighbors to be, well, neighborly. There ain't nothing wrong with that.

I look forward to the NWO. The OWG (One World Government). The future of humanity, for the sake of us all - not just those with the fortunate accident of birth here on American soil. Spread our ideas worldwide, get out there and learn the world, and change THEM, spread OUR ideas, and take the good that THEY offer in return. We all end up stronger for it.

We're in it for the species, kids.

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